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How to add Disqus comment counter in blogger

Disqus comment counter for blogger
Comment counter is used to indicate the number of comments that exist on each post. This statistic is usually put at the top of each post to make it easier for users to find out.

After few days ago I posted about how to add Disqus comment system to blogger, now I will give a tutorial how to add Disqus comment counter in blogger.

For the Demo of this Disqus comment counter for blogger, you can see mine, its right below the post title.

1. Go to Template Editor from blogger Dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML

2. If you dont know what you're doing, make sure to backup your template code first or just copy all your code and paste it to notepad

3. Next, Find this line
 <div class='post-header-line-1'/>
If you can't find this line, just post a comment bellow and i will help you find the right place for your template, or just use inspec element of your template with your web browser.

4. Next. Add the following code, right bellow the code in step 3
<!-- Disqus Comment Count Start-->
<a class='dsq-comment-count comment-link commentslink' expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#disqus_thread&quot;'/>
<!--Disqus Comment Count End-->

5. Save template.

About Author:

Rahman Kurnia is a blogger, SEO fighter, who loves PHP, CSS, HTML and interested in js, ajax, c++ and much more. He love writing something informatif to help others, and to keep his knowledge on the internet.

Follow him @ Twitter | Facebook | Google +


  1. i like your Blogger template and looks nice
    can you suggest me some tips for my blog


  2. Hi,

    I'm not sure if you might be able to help, I've copied your code mentioned above and it works but it doesn't seem to work when I post new content I have to copy this code in each time hmm

  3. HI myself a newbie blogger. Plz visit my blog and check everything
    Critics and give me your valuable comments.


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